Tuesday, November 30, 2010


the countdown starts.

well after moving my due date back so i have even LONGER to wait... i'm finally at 28 weeks. third trimester. i have an appt on thurs which should be good. hopefully i can talk the doc into an ultrasound to see how the heck she is sitting in there.... she moves and kicks all the time, but always in the same spot.. it's like i swallowed super glue and she is just stuck there...

heartburn is still driving me crazy. i've moved on to zantac, which i should be buying stock in. headaches still the same. i feel like an old woman or a puppy, because i pee every 2 minutes. it's especially nice when she gives a good heave ho to the bladder and i pee places that god did not intend... like my jeans, for instance.

not really getting so nervous about delivery. i've done it before, and i can do it again. i know that after almost 16 years, my body has forgotten it's role in all this, and may make things a little more difficult, but hopefully it will be okay.

other than that, not much else new. just cant wait to meet the little bugger!

Monday, November 8, 2010

appts and such

had my appointment last week.

kind of a shock to learned that i had gained 8 pounds since my last one. that's not really something i wanted to hear.

also concerned me that they said my uterus was measuring at 29 weeks... and according to my ultrasound,olivia is measuring 10 days small.

i really dont see how thats possible.... i could just have a petite bebeh.... because otherwise, i would have ovulated 24 days after starting my cycle... which is really long and ridiculous. but..... what do i have to go off of besides an ultrasound? i guess we'll see if they are right towards my due date (which is 2/24 now)

anyways, back to the weight gain and such.... it could have been because i ate about a cup of sunflower seeds per day, and about 5 sodas.... i know, i know... bad ellie, right? well doc says she's keeping an eye on it from now on. and then next day, i went and had my gestational diabetes test. 1 hour glucose. holy crap that tasted like shit! but i downed it all at once... felt queasy and sat there for an hour until my blood draw.

they should call me with the results soon. i kind of put myself on a little diet at home.. just cutting out stuff like fast food, soda, etc. hopefully that should at least keep me at the weight im at for a while. i weigh enough, baby hardly weighs anything, and she'll be fine.

my fear is having GD and having to SEVERELY restrict my diet. but i guess we'll see!

so excited to go to my mom's this week! i cant wait to see her! i'll be there for about 4 days, and we're having a small baby shower up there, which i cannot WAIT for!

Monday, November 1, 2010


i'm so incredibly anxious. i have this little human being inside of me... constantly kicking and moving and letting me know she is there. i am just anxious as hell to meet her.

25 weeks today.