Monday, November 8, 2010

appts and such

had my appointment last week.

kind of a shock to learned that i had gained 8 pounds since my last one. that's not really something i wanted to hear.

also concerned me that they said my uterus was measuring at 29 weeks... and according to my ultrasound,olivia is measuring 10 days small.

i really dont see how thats possible.... i could just have a petite bebeh.... because otherwise, i would have ovulated 24 days after starting my cycle... which is really long and ridiculous. but..... what do i have to go off of besides an ultrasound? i guess we'll see if they are right towards my due date (which is 2/24 now)

anyways, back to the weight gain and such.... it could have been because i ate about a cup of sunflower seeds per day, and about 5 sodas.... i know, i know... bad ellie, right? well doc says she's keeping an eye on it from now on. and then next day, i went and had my gestational diabetes test. 1 hour glucose. holy crap that tasted like shit! but i downed it all at once... felt queasy and sat there for an hour until my blood draw.

they should call me with the results soon. i kind of put myself on a little diet at home.. just cutting out stuff like fast food, soda, etc. hopefully that should at least keep me at the weight im at for a while. i weigh enough, baby hardly weighs anything, and she'll be fine.

my fear is having GD and having to SEVERELY restrict my diet. but i guess we'll see!

so excited to go to my mom's this week! i cant wait to see her! i'll be there for about 4 days, and we're having a small baby shower up there, which i cannot WAIT for!

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